Welcome! 中央卡罗莱纳技术学院 (CCTC) is excited to have you join our Titan Family! 无论你是第一次上大学, 为你的下一个职业做准备, 准备转到或从另一所大学, 或者想上一两门课, CCTC是您学习的伙伴.







返校学生是指在CCTC学习一年或一年以上的学生. Some Returning students may need to meet with a 金融 aid counselor before returning.



Transfer students must submit official transcripts to Records to receive transfer credit.


The 双澳门赌钱线上平台计划 当一个高中生在获得高中和大学学分的同时也被大学录取时. CCTC offers the 双澳门赌钱线上平台计划 within the surrounding four county area: Clarendon, Kershaw, 李和萨姆特与高中合作, 私立学校, 特许学校和家庭学校协会.


军事 members and their families are important to us, and CCTC is here to help you start and continue your education and meet your personal goals. We provide what you need to succeed through the services available at the college. Visit 军人和家属 了解更多信息.

合资格的服务成员, 退伍军人, 家属在申请和注册之前必须获得教育服务官员(ESO)或军事服务顾问的批准. 遵循适当的指导方针来申请和使用你的服务分支机构的教育福利和地位. 

CCTC通过向驻扎在南卡罗来纳州的现役军人及其家属提供州内学费,最大限度地利用您的教育福利. 另外, 驻扎在肖空军基地的美国空军现役军人及其家属有资格获得额外的学费减免. The Active Duty Service Member and their dependents must complete and submit the 现役军人验证表 or the 军人家属核实表格. For more assistance, contact your 澳门赌钱线上平台 Coordinator at 803-778-7812.

光荣退役的退伍军人及其家属符合居住要求也有资格获得入学学费. 可能有资格获得退伍军人事务福利的学生应致电803-778-7845与我们的退伍军人事务部代表联系以获取更多信息.




Transient students do not need to submit any transcripts or test scores. 与你所在学校的指导老师联系,索取一份表格,以允许你在CCTC学习你想要的课程. 临时表格可以通过电子邮件发送到 admissions@xqrahc.com 或传真至803-778-6696.

Transient students are not eligible for Financial Aid at CCTC.

I only want to take a few classes (non-degree seeking)

因个人或职业原因上课的学生是非学位学生. 这可能包括为职业生涯所修的课程,也可能是为将来的学习计划所修的课程.

非学位学生必须满足他们希望学习的课程的先决条件(如果有的话). No Financial Aid is available to Non-degree Seeking Students.

参加个人或职业发展课程的老年人是非学位学生. CCTC offers classes on a space-available basis using the base tuition fee waiver.


完成您的申请是快速和容易的! 遵循这5个简单的步骤,你就会成为一个巨人.  


完成免费在线申请 here

Select “Sign Up” to create a username (email address) and password. 请使用您经常访问的电子邮件地址. 

不要在你的应用程序中输入与你设置账户时不同的电子邮件地址. This will keep you from logging back into your application.

Make sure you sign and submit at the end for 100% completion.

当你的申请被提交,你的澳门赌钱线上平台协调员将处理你的申请. They will contact you by email to let you know your next step.

你可以随时查看你的申请 泰坦启动传送门. Use the same login information you created for your application to sign in. 

Applications apply only to the term for which they are completed. 一年后返回的学生可能需要填写一份新的申请,并在返回之前与财务援助顾问会面.

如果你有任何问题,请发邮件 webapps@xqrahc.com 或致电803-778-7812.


参观 泰坦启动传送门 to see your welcome letter, decision letter, and a message from your program of study. 其他重要的学生支持服务和任何清单项目的有用链接可以看到. 

你也会发现这很重要 泰坦下一步. Your 泰坦下一步 您在哪里可以找到您的学生证号码,myCCTC用户名和学生电子邮件地址. You will need both to access your myCCTC account or CCTCgo to register for classes.

We suggest you only use your myCCTC account after you have it set up. This is where you will see information and important updates about your college account. 


Your admissions coordinator will send you the name of your academic advisor. You will meet with your Academic Advisor to talk about testing and choosing your classes. After meeting with your Academic Advisor, they will help you register for classes.

如果您有咨询问题,请发电子邮件 asc@xqrahc.com 或致电803-774-3310.


在网上申请经济援助 www.studentaid.gov. 你必须提交你的官方最终高中成绩单或GED成绩单才能获得经济援助. We offer grants, loans, scholarships, and South Carolina Lottery Tuition Assistance. Once you complete your FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid), review your myCCTC account or CCTCgo for Financial Aid updates.

If you have questions, contact the Financial Aid office at 803-778-7850 or email finaid@xqrahc.com. 如果你有资格享受退伍军人事务福利, contact our VA representative at 803-778-7845 了解更多信息.


Attend 新生迎新 了解更多澳门线上赌钱官网学生服务的信息, first semester activities and how to become a successful student. 继续访问您的myCCTC帐户,获取有关新生迎新活动注册的重要信息. For more information, contact the 学生生活 Coordinator at 803-774-3336 or email studentlife@xqrahc.com.


我们邀请您来探索CCTC 自己看吧! 要想知道中央卡罗来纳技术学院是否适合你,最好的方法就是亲自参观校园! We offer campus visit experiences for interested students and the community. 来看看你能完成什么!

The Titan Campus Visit Experience is available year-round except for peak registration, 期中和期末考试, 毕业, 学校假期, 还有其他特殊的日子. To better accommodate you and your group, visits must be scheduled in advance.


与Titan一起进行虚拟导览,重点关注您感兴趣的项目,并有机会与澳门赌钱线上平台人员交谈. The Titan引导虚拟校园体验 happens by appointment on Wednesday on Zoom. 今天通过点击下面的链接并选择您喜欢的日期来安排您的虚拟体验! 澳门线上赌钱官网调度选项的问题可以直接到 tour@xqrahc.com.



来看看在中央卡罗莱纳技术学院提供了许多令人兴奋的机会. 在主校园参观期间, 你将了解这些设施, how to complete the admissions and 金融 aid process, and the variety of student activities 中央卡罗莱纳技术学院 has to offer.

通过点击下面的链接来安排您今天的访问,并根据您的团队规模选择您喜欢的访问日期! 澳门线上赌钱官网调度选项的问题可以直接到 tour@xqrahc.com.



Have you completed the 中央卡罗莱纳技术学院 admissions process but, would like a more in-depth look into your chosen program of study? 那么,泰坦VIP体验就是为你准备的! Accepted students participate in a unique experience led by the 泰坦VIP体验 Team, 看到大学和他们的学习计划, 与澳门赌钱线上平台和财政援助部门会面, 和我们一起吃午饭. (长度3-4小时)

The 泰坦VIP体验 只能预约吗. Accepted students must register at least one month or 30 days in advance to schedule their 泰坦VIP体验,每位学生只限两位客人. 13岁以下儿童不得参加.

请选择你的 泰坦VIP体验 below (只限录取学生):

不能在校园里做? 浏览我们的虚拟之旅 HERE!

For more information about accessibility or special accommodations while visiting our campus, 请透过电邮联络我们 tour@xqrahc.com.
(803) 778-7812



中央卡罗莱纳技术学院是一所“开放”的机构,为所有能从其课程和项目中受益的人提供教育需求. Central Carolina makes every effort to minimize geographic, 金融, and scholastic barriers to the programs and services offered by the college. 高中文凭(或GED证书)不是大学入学的先决条件,但是选定项目入学和所有形式的经济援助所必需的.

“开放入学”的定义意味着学院承诺评估学生的潜力,并提供适当的发展/过渡课程,为学生准备大学水平的课程和项目. The definition further implies that consistent with accrediting agencies and boards, some associate degree programs may require students to possess a valid high school diploma, GED, 证书, 和/或证明他们有能力在给定的课程或项目中取得令人满意的进展.


In order to apply to CCTC, you must meet the following requirements:

  • 你必须年满18岁,或拥有经过认证的高中毕业证书或普通教育文凭证书. Non high school graduates may be admitted to the college with appropriate test scores. In order to receive 金融 assistance, a high school or GED transcript must be provided. 欲了解更多信息,请联系澳门赌钱线上平台办公室.
  • 如果你在家接受过教育, 你必须联系澳门赌钱线上平台办公室,了解具体的入学指导方针和在家上学的学生的程序.
  • If you are between the ages of 16 and 18 or have dropped out of high school, 你必须获得你所居住地区的高中校长的书面许可.
  • 如果你申请副学士学位课程, you must submit an official high school transcript or evidence of a GED 证书. Official transcripts must be on file by the completion of the first semester.
  • Meet 居留权和合法居留要求.

通过电子邮件联系澳门赌钱线上平台 admissions@xqrahc.com. You can also reach the admissions office at each campus by phone:

FE Dubose的新电话号码是11.2.23